Greetings! Welcome to Chatelaine’s Corner. Here you will find information about what exactly a Chatelaine is, and find resources to help you do your job as Chatelaine to the best of your ability. If you have any questions, please direct them to your Principality Chatelaine at
What is a Chatelaine?
A Chatelaine, also sometimes known as a “Hospitaller,” is the “face” of the Society. It is our job to be informative, friendly and welcoming. An important note to remember is that we not only help those that come looking for information, but we should be actively watching for those that need guidance. If we see someone looking interested, be it at an event or a practice, we should reach out to them and ask them some questions. We should always have on hand either a business card, a flyer or brochure with information about what the SCA is and how to get more involved. I find carrying a business card with the group’s name, their email address for the Chatelaine, a web address for any groups or pages that can be found online and links to Principality/Kingdom websites to be very effective. You can also find many links to some great new material for distribution below!
A Chatelaine’s other duties and responsibilities include reporting a few times a year to either the Principality or Kingdom Chatelaine. These reports are fairly basic and easy to do. Lastly, a Chatelaine should strive to have fairly quick turnaround on phone calls and emails. Having experienced it myself, I know that nothing is more of a turnoff then trying to reach a group repeatedly and being unable to get any response! If “life happens” and you know that you aren’t going to be able to fulfill your job duties for a bit, let your Principality Chatelaine know so that they can take over your duties for you. If worse comes to worse, try and find a successor to take over permanently.
Being a Chatelaine is not a hard job. We are always looking for people that are willing to step up and serve their Principality!
Chatelaine Resources
On Being a Hospitaller
What are Hospitallers/Chatelains, and what do they do?
Regarding the Society Media Policy
How it relates to the Seneschal’s/Chatelaine’s office; local group interaction with the media
Suggestions for Chatelains
Ideas on how to attract and educate newcomers
Newcomers are Nice
Advice to established members on how to work with newcomers
Photos of SCA activities
for use in advertising brochures and flyers
Resources for putting on SCA Demos / Handouts
SCA Demo Policy
From Appendix E of the Society Seneschal’s Handbook
These flyers are in Microsoft Word. The local group’s contact info should be filled in on the tear-off strips and in the body of the flyer.
“What’s going on here? History – and it’s fun!” photo of ladies in garb
“History Lives!” (version without mention of brewing, for dry sites)
“The 3 Musketeers aren’t just a story” photo of fencers
General description of SCA with fencing photo
General description of SCA with photo of armored fighter
General description of SCA with photo of fighters storming a fort
Includes details of armored combat photo & details of armored fighting
General description of SCA with photo of armored combat unit
General description of SCA with sketch of Norman helm
“What are these guys doing?” General description of SCA; photo of armored combat
“What is this woman doing?” Details of SCA Arts and Sciences; photo of woman working on a scroll
General description of SCA has space for a photo – available at our Gallery
Introduction to the SCA a more text-heavy flyer (a condensed version of the “Overview of the SCA” Handout below)