January Missive from Their Highnesses


Greetings to all from the thrones of the Sable Swan! We want to express our gratitude to all of those fine folks who visited Us at our vigil at Twelfth Night, and all those who put in so much effort to make Our Investiture so successful. We are so proud and honored to be a part of Cynagua’s rich history, and we will make every effort to visit as many of Our branches as possible during Our reign.

Our motto for the reign is “Bring It Forth,” by which we mean that we want to see all of the grand efforts that all of Our populace are making towards the betterment of Our Society, especially in the arts and sciences. If you are an artisan of any sort doing work in our Principality, We would love to hear from you and see what you’re working on–please make yourself and your fellow artisans known to Us during Our reign. Also, We ask that all of our branches make an effort to have some sort of arts & sciences meeting as part of your regular activities; whether it’s a scribal night, sewing circle, armor workshop, or general project night, make sure your local branch has a gathering–and then bring that information to the head of our court so that We can schedule a visit!

Thanks again to all those doing such great work to enrich Our Realm–please send in those award recommendations early and often!

Yours in Service,
Bjorn and Hilarie
Princeps et Princepessa Cynaguae