From the Crown,
As the coronavirus situation is changing hour by hour we have a second update. All fighter practices and group gatherings of any kind for the SCA in the West Kingdom, central United States, are now suspended till further notice.
The White House press briefing early this afternoon highlighted a new standard of no group gathering of 10 or more. Further, Bay Area authorities placed the strictest order in the country: ‘Shelter in place,’ only essential businesses open in 6 counties. See link below.
This is the moment where we all protect and defend each other. Reach out to friends and family so no one feels alone in these times. Post a joke or share a meme so someone gets a laugh. Make art and share pictures and inspire others. Talk about favorite books. When the dust settles from all of this we will celebrate most of all because we came through it together and the West Kingdom will be stronger for it.
Uther, Rex
Vera, Regina