From Bjorn and Hilarie
Prince and Princess of Cynagua
Greetings! Just a friendly reminder that We are keenly interested in updates, either in person or online, on all of the various artistic endeavors that all of you fine artisans are working on, especially, of course, you Cynaguan artisans! Bring it Forth!
The season of the choosing of Our Heirs is also soon upon us. Please remember that while there are no special rules to Our Coronet Tournament, We invite (but do not require) the consorts of combatants to do the speaking for each couple at the Invocation of the Lists.
We look forward to meeting as many members of the populace as possible during the upcoming tourney and war season, especially newer folks to our wonderful Society.
Until then,
We remain
Yours in Service,
Bjorn, Princeps, and Hilari, Princepessa