Greetings West Kingdom!
We recently posted the following to the Page. We would like this message to travel as far and wide as possible, so that all in Our glorious kingdom may read Our words.
As Our reign draws closer to the end, We sit in Our hall and are mightily pleased. Our Heirs are young and
vital, with much life and enthusiasm to bring to the West. Our lands are at peace. We have made many friends near and far, and enjoyed all that the Kingdom has to offer.
We do, however, feel we need to share with you some sad news. At Our Crown event in October, We received a number of letters from newer members of Our populace. They were disheartened by the loud talking and disruption that happened during Our evening Court. One of the letters came from a young lady whose friend was given her AoA during that Court. She felt that the overall tone of the Court was dismissive, as if those attending did not care about her friend and felt that the AoA was not worthy of notice. It felt rude and
discourteous to not only her, but to the others that wrote to Us.
It makes Us incredibly unhappy to hear that any members of Our populace feel dismissed or that they were witness to bad behavior during Our Court. It was pointed out that many of those acting in such a fashion were Peers of the West, and that this has been happening more and more often. It is Our hope that by bringing this situation to light, We can gently remind all of Our populace that Court is not a time to visit. If you wish to spend time talking with friends, please take your business outside of Court.
It is also perhaps time to remind us all of the little courtesies that we as a Kingdom are usually so careful to display. Recently an event site was left in less than stellar fashion, and the Autocrat had to spend hours picking up bottle caps, cigarette butts and garbage. As well, some of us have begun to forget things like moving your car immediately after unloading, not wearing mundane clothes on the Lists field, not taking down your pavilion on the Lists field until after last Court.
We write this not to scold, but to ask Our populace to once again rise to our best. We are capable of so much more, for We have seen the West at the very best it can be. We ask that once again, we as a Kingdom shine as an example of courtesy and chivalry.
We thank you from the bottom of Our hearts for the love, the support, the encouragement, the open arms that the West has shown Us. We cannot begin to count the number of people that have come up to Us with words of love and enthusiasm. You are the reason that reigning in the West is the number one job in the Known World.
We love you. Thank you.
Mikolaj, Rex
Arianwen, Regina