The Celts have once again landed on the golden shores of Cynagua. We are honored, excited, and humbled to serve our Populace. A heartfelt thanks goes out to their Excellencies, Thorstagge and Eowyn for their wonderful reign and service to Cynagua.
We look forward to the many events ahead and hope to see many of you throughout our reign. Keen of eye, fleet of foot, and the whistling of strings is the sound we would like to hear flowing in the breeze, thus we expect many of you try Archery during our Reign. A good Celt always has a song or story at hand, and we hope to encourage and foster the bardic arts. As many of you know, Arts and Sciences or near and dear to us, especially in the area of brewing and cooking. We hope many of you try your hand in the various competitions or bring your projects for display and tasting.
For those who are champions of a Shire, Province, or Barony, if you are planning to enter the Fall Coronet List, we ask that you have a banner and add to your standard a pennant which reflects the badge(s) of the places which you are champion.
On the fields of battle with heavy sword and rapier blade, on the fields of tourney and practice with bows, in the Feast Halls, on the Eric, we look forward to joining you all in our journey throughout the lands.
Miach and Sciath, Prince and Princess of Cynagua