Words from Lochlainn and Eva, Prince and Princess of Cynagua

Oh sweet Cynagua, 

It has been our greatest pleasure to serve you these last few months. Reigning in Cynagua truly is the best job in the West.

Every part of Cynagua we have visited has graciously welcomed us. It has been so wonderful to get to travel around Our lands and learn of the traditions of local areas. It is good to see how the Principality is thriving. 

Spring Coronet is nearly upon us! Who will be the next to wear the swan coronets?! Come and join Us in beautiful Quincy to see! We have activities of all flavors for the long weekend! Arts and Sciences, Archery, Bardic, Rapier combat, Youth activities, and much more! Don’t miss out on the fun!

Yours in service,
Lochlainn and Eva
Prince and Princess of Cynagua