Principality Law Update

Laws of the Principality of Cynagua have been updated.

Muted Emissary Resources

Resources for the hearing impaired from our silent herald Oud. You will need a email address to access. You can request one here. Perma link to resources is under things on the menu bar.

Final words from their Highnesses.

Last words are more difficult than other words that We’ve sent out to Our Principality and the West Kingdom.  We have had an amazing time as the Prince and Princess of Cynagua.  We have traveled throughout the Principality and the Known World during our tenure.  The people that We have […]

2020 A&S competition schedule

2020 A & S Competition Schedule:For this year we will not have themes for the competitions. I would like to have the artisans of Cynagua show THEIR art or science in their time and talent. Hoping that this will encourage more participation. The Principality has four Arts competitions and four […]